No matter how good the internet, no matter how wonderful our computer and phone screens, there is still something magical about seeing your work printed in a real book!

And that's what drives us (landscape photographers Peter Eastway and David Evans) to organise and publish the International Landscape Photographer of the Year award.

Said Peter, "Recently I was at a trade show, visiting the Momento Pro stand. Over on one of their tables was a large book with thick, sumptuous pages open on some of the most amazing landscape photographs I had ever seen. Curious, I walked a little closer, feeling that I recognised the photos - and of course I did! It was the latest version of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year book, each page perfectly printed and lovingly bound. But what really sang to me was the quality of the photos, each enhanced by the quality of ink on paper, something that doesn't translate nearly so well in an online environment."

These days, there’s something magic about a book, the weight of its covers, the feel of the paper as you turn the pages, the excitement and surprise as you look at amazing photograph after amazing photograph. We know our previous winners who received a book were really impressed, so this remains our vision: to create a landscape photography publication that is so beautiful, every serious landscape photographer in the world will want to be involved. And with our elite judging panel of established and esteemed judges, the International Landscape Photographer of the Year awards book will have a distinctive authority. All you have to do is provide one of the best 101 landscape photographs of the year to be included!

And that's why it's all about being in the book! Are you up for the challenge this year?

Each year, copies of the book will be presented to our esteemed judges and the 11 major prize winners.

If your photograph is published in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards book, then you’ll want everyone to know that you’re one of the elite 101 photographers who made the grade. And with eBooks, your fame (and potential fortune) will know no bounds! We will be promoting the book, but best of all, so can you! Direct your family, friends and fans to this website and they can download a PDF copy for free! Put it on your tablet or your smartphone and share the love! Click on the Archive link above to access all the previous awards books.

The printed versions can be ordered from our Bookshop - see the link above.