Thanks to our great sponsors for the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Award!

NiSi filters are ideal for landscape photography!

NiSi is a leading researcher and developer of optical glass manufacturing techniques operating since 2005, with the major production factories based in China. NiSi manufactures optical filters, neutral density filters, filter holders, lenses, and other still and video camera accessories with more than 500 products in our range. Innovation continues with NiSi creating 10 – 20 new products per year to suit a range of cameras.

We pride ourselves on producing the highest quality optical products to allow photographers to produce the best quality images with optimal clarity, sharpness, and color reproduction.

What happened to our other sponsors?
Unfortunately both Momento Pro and Created For Life have closed their doors and are no longer in business. We greatly appreciate their involvement over the first 10 years of our Awards and wish them all the best in future endeavors!