Entries close on 30 September 2024, but to be eligible for 'every fifth entry free', you must enter by 23 September 2024 (see rules below).

ALSO NOTE: Your entry must have been photographed on or after 1 January 2020. And your entry must have been captured with a camera - no AI generated images permitted.

1. The International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards (Awards) incorporates the International Landscape Photographer of the Year (Photographer), the International Landscape Photograph of the Year (Photograph), and the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book (Book).

2. The Awards are open to all photographers, professional and amateur, around the world. By entering the Awards, You accept these Competition Rules and their Terms and Conditions.


3. Closing Date: Entries and the Entry Fee must be received by 30 September 2024 (or 23 September 2024 to be eligible for the every fifth entry free offer - see below). The closing date is set for the west coast of the USA, so you may have a few extra hours to enter, depending on where you live.

4. The Entry Fee is US $25 per image and if you enter on or prior to 23 September 2024, every fifth entry is free. So, enter and pay for four images, get one free. Enter and pay for a further four entries and the tenth entry is free. There’s no limit to the number of images you can enter. If you wish to be eligible for the International Landscape PhotographER of the Year Award, you will need to enter at least four different entries. However, a single Entry is all that’s required for inclusion in the Book, or to win the International Landscape Photograph of the Year Award.

Entries will be accepted after 22 July 2024 until 30 September 2024. For the final week of entries, the entry fee is still US $25 per image entry, but there are no free entries. (Earlier entries help us better administer the awards.)

5. To enter, you must upload your Entry(s) via the Award’s website, following the on-screen instructions.

6. The judges are looking for photographs that epitomise the art and craft of landscape photography. This will mean different things to different judges. Your job is to impress the judges.

7. The Entries presented for judging must be photographic in origin (taken with a camera), but there are no restrictions on post-production, except that any post-production must be the work of the entrant. You cannot have someone else edit or work on the Entry for you. We consider this part of the art of landscape photography.

AI generated images (and for composite images, AI generated image components) are not permitted. Minor AI retouching is acceptable as long as it is not creating new content. Early AI technology has been used in post-production for many years - like the Healing Tool. Using AI for e.g. noise reduction or minor retouching is acceptable. What is not acceptable is to use AI to generate new content. For instance, you could use AI to retouch some small rocks in the foreground and cover them with grass like the surroundings, but you couldn't use AI to replace the rocks with a pond or rose bushes. (Of course, you could use a camera to capture a pond or rose bushes and composite them into the photo yourself - that's okay because the content wasn't generated by AI.)

We reserve the right to ask entrants to submit the raw file(s) to prove an Entry's authenticity. We will determine whether or not the Entry fits within the spirit of the rule, so if in doubt, don't use AI generated content in your Entries! And if some how you manage to slip an AI generated image past the judging system and we discover it later on, we will withdraw your award and publicise the issue in the interests of all the entrants who did comply with the rules!

8. Entries must be from original exposures taken on or after 1 January 2020. If you have created a composite entry, the date of creation must be on or after 1 Januayr 2020, not the individual elements themselves which can be older. You can enter more than one Entry of the same subject, but if two Entries are considered similar by the judges, only one of them will be eligible for the Book and Photographer awards. The decision as to which Entry will be included in the book is at the discretion of the organisers.

9. Entries must comply with the following specifications:

• AdobeRGB colour space, 8-bit;

• Measure between 4000 and 5000 pixels on the longest side, 300 dpi.

• Be saved as a JPEG/JPG (recommended setting 9 or 10).

• There is a maximum file size of 12MB, so for particularly detailed subjects, you may need to reduce the JPEG compression to setting 8.


10. Judging will be blind. This means no names, titles, captions or other indicators can be visible in or on the Entry. However, all your details should remain in the metadata to protect your image.

11. Each Entry will be scored by 5 separate judges. The Organiser reserves the right to replace the nominated judges should the need arise.

12. The judging process is as follows:

• Each Entry will be given a score out of 100 by each Judge.

• The Judges’ scores will be totalled to give a final score out of 500, then divided by 5 and presented to you as a percentage figure out of 100.

• The 101 Entries with the highest scores will be accepted for publication in the Book (the Top 101) (unless an entrant has entered two Entries that are very similar, as determined at the organisers’ discretion). Furthermore, any one entrant may not have more than four Entries accepted into the top 101.

• The 20 Entries with the highest scores will be judged a second time, with the highest score being deemed the International Landscape Photograph of the Year. If the top 20 Entries include two or more Entries by the one entrant that are very similar, as determined by the organisers, the highest scoring Entry will be used and the other Entry(s) excluded.

• The 10 Portfolio Entries with the highest aggregate will be judged separately. A Portfolio Entry comprises an Entrant’s highest scoring four Entries, as long as one of those Entries is in the Top 101. If the four highest scoring Entries for an Entrant include two or more photographs that are very similar, as determined by the organisers, the highest scoring Entry will be used and the other Entry(s) excluded. This may result in the Entrant's portfolio no longer being in the top 10, depending on the scores for his/her other Entries. The judges will vote for the portfolio that in their opinion best represents the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Award.

• If an entrant places first, second or third in the Photographer of the Year Award (with a portfolio of four images), this makes them ineligible for the Photograph of the Year Award (single image) and the Special Awards. Similarly if an entrant places first, second or third in the Photograph of the Year Award, this makes them ineligible for the Special Awards.

• In event of a tie for the Book, Photographer or Photograph awards, the images will be re-judged to produce the winner(s).

• Special Awards will be presented at the discretion of the judges following a process of consultation and discussion.

13. Winners will be published on the Awards’ website and in the Book, both in print and electronically.


14. The prizes for the winning Entries are as follows:

I n t e r n a t i o n a l   L a n d s c a p e   P h o t o g r a p h e r   o f   t h e   Y e a r  2 0 2 4

First Prize

Cash prize of US $5,000, trophy, inclusion and feature in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, and a NiSi 100mm V7 Professional Kit 100mm Kit (Valued at $1199 USD).

Second Prize

Cash prize of US $1,000, trophy, inclusion in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book,a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, and a NiSi 100mm V7 Advance Kit (valued at $799 USD).

Third Prize

Cash prize of US $500, trophy, inclusion in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, and a NiSi 100mm V7 Starter Kit (valued at $529 USD).

I n t e r n a t i o n a l   L a n d s c a p e   P h o t o g r a p h   o f   t h e   Y e a r  2 0 2 4

First Prize

Cash prize of US $2,000, trophy, inclusion and feature in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book.

Second Prize

Cash prize of US $1,000, trophy, inclusion in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book.

Third Prize

Cash prize of US $500, trophy, inclusion in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book.

T h e   B l a c k  a n d  W h i t e   A w a r d

T h e   A e r i a l   A w a r d

T h e   S n o w  A n d  I c e   A w a r d

T h e   A m a z i n g   S k y   A w a r d

T h e   F o r e s t   A w a r d

Each of these photographers will receive a cash prize of $500, a trophy, inclusion in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book, and a printed copy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards Book.

T h e  T o p  1 0 1

Each photographer will receive a PDF certificate honouring his or her achievement and ready for printing.

They will also be able to download a PDF version of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards book, with permission to display and present on their website.

15. The decision of the Organiser is final.


This is all the legal stuff that lets us publish the Book and promote the results, while protecting your copyright in the Entries.

16. Winning Entrants agree to participate in related publicity and to the use of their name and likeness for the purposes of advertising, promotion and publicity without additional compensation.

17. You agree and acknowledge that Pt 78 Pty Ltd (the ‘Organiser’) is permitted to receive Your registration data. All personal information will be used by the Organiser in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

18. The Organiser reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify and/or remove any Entry that does not comply with the Competition Rules.

19. You warrant and represent, in respect of each Entry submitted by You, as follows:

• You are the sole owner and author of each Entry;

• You have not used AI technology to create or generate the Entry, or in the case of a composite Entry, any components of the Entry.

• You have the right to make Your Entry available to the Competition;

• Your Entry(s) does not contain any infringing, threatening, false, misleading, abusive, harassing, libellous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, scandalous, inflammatory, pornographic, profane or illegal content;

• Each entry does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, contract rights, or any other intellectual property rights of any third person or entity, or violate any person’s rights of privacy or publicity.

20. You agree to fully indemnify the Organiser in respect of all royalties, fees and any other monies owing to any person by reason of Your breaching any of the foregoing.

21. The Organiser acknowledges that You retain full ownership of the copyright in each Entry.

22. All Entrants agree that any Entry submitted to the competition may be used by the Organiser, and its Event Partners for the purposes of judging the Competition, and marketing and promotional purposes of the Competition.

Winning entries (including the top 101) will be used as follows and only with respect to promoting the competition:

• displaying the winning entries at public exhibitions promoting the Awards;

• inclusion within the Organiser's and Event partners' websites and magazines, an awards book, magazine or similar (in both paper and digital media);

• inclusion in future publications and websites promoting the Awards, such as a 10-year anniversary compendium of past winners;

• inclusion within any material promoting the Awards;

• sub-licensing winning Entries to the press (such as magazines and websites) for reproduction in connection with the Competition and any exhibition. Please note, these organisations do not need to contact you separately for permission to use your photo in connection with the Competition - you are giving us permission here which we will give to them. If you use a service to track unauthorised use of your photographs, please ensure they are aware of your agreement here;

• allowing viewers of the Awards website to view images on a computer screen, PDA or mobile telephone and store such pages in electronic form on disk or on a PDA or mobile telephone for their personal, non-commercial use only.

Non-winning entries may be used solely to promote the competition for a period not to exceed 3 years from the close of the competition.

23. Any photograph used by the Organiser shall carry a credit line. Any failure to provide such a credit line shall not be deemed to be a breach, as long as the Organiser uses its reasonable endeavours to rectify such failure within a reasonable period from the date of notice of such failure.

24. You acknowledge that it is Your responsibility for protecting any Entry against image misuse by any third party. The Organiser and its Event Partners assume no responsibility and are not liable for any image misuse.

25. The Organiser assumes no responsibility for any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information, whether caused by website users or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilised in the Awards, and the Organiser assumes no responsibility for technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, other problems or technical malfunctions with regard to the Awards. The Organiser assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorised access to or alteration of Entries. The Organiser is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail addressed to the Organiser on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any website, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to Your or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in the Competition. If for any reason a contestant’s Entry cannot be viewed or is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer viruses, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud or technical failures, the Organiser assumes no responsibility.

26. In no event will the Organiser, its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies, Event Partners, its advertising or promotion agencies, or its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives or agents be responsible or liable for any damages or losses of any kind, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising out of any contestant’s access to and use of the website. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, everything on the website is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose or use or non-infringement.

27. There are no alternative prizes available for prize winners.

28. To enter online, you will need to register with your real name and provide a valid email address which will be used to contact prize winners.

29. If the Organiser cannot contact a winning entrant by email within a reasonable time, the judges may award the prize(s) to another entry.

30. Entry fees and prizes are quoted in US dollars. The Organiser does not account for or have any liability for any prize winner’s bank fees and charges that may be levied in currency conversion and transactions by the participating banks or institutions. Prizes are paid in USD and will be paid to a Paypal account. If a Paypal account is not possible/legal in the prize winner's country, alternative arrangements will be made, but prize winners are responsible for their own bank fees. Currency conversions to local currency are at prize winners’ cost at the time of conversion.

Where prizes are in the form of product (e.g. book, print), the prize winners are responsible for their own import fees, tariffs and other taxes that may be levied by the Australian government or their own country's government. The Organiser is only responsible for dispatching the prize to the prize winner and paying the cost of the delivery service.

31. Entry receipts for the competition are stored in your account details. Your purchase receipt will be listed there.

32. The Organiser’s decisions are final. Right of rejection and or right of refusal are at the discretion of the competition Organisers and can happen at any time.

33. All entries are subject to the laws of Australia and the state of New South Wales.

34. All terms and conditions subject to change without notice, with the exception of copyright and usage clauses (21 and 22).