How do I enter?

To enter, click on the 'Entrants Login Here' menu button at the top right of the page.

What is a 'landscape' photograph?

A landscape photograph is any image that could be considered to be of or include a landscape. It certainly includes cityscapes, man-made structures, seascapes, aerials and even small corners of the earth. The landscape can include people, animals and buildings. Even the interior of a stadium or building could be considered a landscape. As the organisers, we don't limit what you consider to be a landscape photograph. If your photograph doesn't look like a traditional landscape, this could be a positive for some judges in that it's different. But if the image doesn't look like a landscape at all, then other judges might give you lower scores.

For example a portrait with a landscape in the background would not be disqualified as it's not up to the organisers to say what is and what isn't a landscape. However, some of the judges may consider the landscape to be too small within the composition and give you a lower score because, in their view, it doesn't fit the genre. This is why we have five judges with a range of different views.

Is there a limit to the number of photos that I can enter?

No, you may enter as many photographs as you like.

What format should I save my digital images?

Digital image files should measure between 4000 and 5000 pixels on the longest side (we need large files because the winning images will be printed in book format as well as online), 300 dpi, be saved as a JPEG (recommended setting 9 or 10), in AdobeRGB colour space. Square and panorama, horizontal and vertical images - all are permitted.

I can't get my file below 12MB?

When saving your JPG file, try setting 9 or setting 8 and you will find the file size is much smaller, but the quality remains extremely good.

Can I change my entries after I have entered?

Yes, you can. Go to your account and click on Completed entries. A list of your entries will appear. Click on Edit to open the entry you want to change:

Your entry will open up again. Delete your entry using the bin icon, and then upload your new entry.

What does 'No names, titles, captions or other indicators are allowed in or on the Entry', really mean?

When a judge looks at your entry, they should not be able to identify who you are, so you can't put a signature or watermark on the front of the photograph. The filenames for your entries are not seen by the judges, so you can name them as you wish.

Do I need to remove my name and details from the photo file's metadata?

No. In fact, we recommend you leave your name and details in the metadata. When the judges see your work, they don't get to see the metadata on the judging screen, only the photo.

Are there limits in the type of post-production I can apply?

There are no limits on post-production, but entries presented for judging must be photographic in origin (taken with a camera). This means you can use HDR, tone mapping, cloning, composites, stitching, focus-stacking etc. However, all post-production must be the work of the entrant. You cannot have someone else edit or work on the image for you. We consider this part of the art of landscape photography.

Can I Use AI in my entries?

No and yes! Different people use the terminology in different ways. At the basis of our rule, we want to see images that come from your camera or your imagination, not from an algorithm or app. Generally speaking, this means you can't use 'generative AI' to create new subject matter or new elements in the photograph, but you can use generative AI to retouch an image. You can also use AI for noise reduction. And the healing brush, which we've used for years, is also a type of AI and is acceptable.

Can I Use Sky Replacement?

Yes, you can, but of course, the new sky must have been photographed by you. You can't use a stock sky image or the skies provided in your software.

We don't consider sky replacement 'generative AI' because the photographer is providing the sky image. The sky isn't being created or generated by software. While the merging of the sky and the landscape together may use advanced algorithms, it makes sense to use technology like this when it exists. It's a bit like automatic exposure control on a camera - you might as well use it if it's an efficient way to create you images.

Does it matter where I live in the world?

Except where prohibited by law, international entries can be submitted and are most welcome!

Can I pay with a credit card?

Yes. We use Paypal to accept payments, but you don't need to have a Paypal account to use it. You can use the Guest Checkout without an account.  (This works in most countries, but we are aware there may be limitations in Iran and Bangladesh.) Here's how it works.

After you've completed your entries for the competition, go to your Cart and check out. You'll see the following screen. Click Process.

Next, you'll see the Paypal screen. Click the bottom box 'Pay With Credit or Debit Card'. 

On the next screen you will have the opportunity to enter your credit card details. Please note, we don't see your card details at any time, the transaction is handled by Paypal.


What are my chances of winning?

Chance does not enter into the process as it is based on the judges' assessment, but we expect to get several thousand entries each year.

Will my photos be returned?

No. There is no need for us to return your digital images. However, your images will not be used except as allowed in the Rules (which is essentially only for promotional purposes for this competition).

Will my images be sold?

No. We will not be selling your images, but we hope people who see your images may contact you to buy them. You never know! You retain the copyright in your photographs and we are not able to use your photographs except as outlined in the rules. In summary, we can only use your photographs in the book (print and ebook), on the website and as part of the promotion of this year's and future years' awards (in press releases for publication as news items or as exhibitions of the winning images etc). Generally speaking, we'll only be using the winning images for promotion of this competition.

Can you enter if you are a professional photographer?
Yes, the awards are open to professional and non-professional photographers alike.

Colour Spaces - Why AdobeRGB and not sRGB?

Entries to ILPOTY are asked to be saved in the AdobeRGB colour space (strictly speaking, with the Adobe RGB (1998) colour profile).

The AdobeRGB colour space is larger than the sRGB colour space, especially in the greens and blues which we expect is important for many landscape photographers.

The entries will be viewed and judged in a web browser. Modern web browsers can read and use colour spaces (as profiles). Our judges use high quality, calibrated monitors that can take advantage of the larger colour space.

When you enter your photographs, our system generates a small preview to show you what you have entered. The 'preview' in our system is just that, a preview thumbnail with no ICC profile embedded - so different web browsers will 'assume' certain characteristics and you may see a flatter or desaturated result. However, the judges do not judge this thumbnail - they are shown a version of your original entry, plus they can view your original entry at 100% if they wish.

We have chosen AdobeRGB because it is a larger colour space, provides a better quality image, and we are using modern browsers and monitors to take advantage of it. However, it is true that in the past, sRGB was chosen as the default colour space for the web and still is in some situations where the lowest common denominator is a poor quality screen, tablet or smart phone.  This does not apply to us. Also, when you research this issue on Google, check the dates of the posts and articles - they have often been superseded.

Thumbnail Image For Entry Screen

The thumbnail image on the entry screen and in your account has had the ICC profile stripped out to make it a smaller file (and so quicker to load via the internet). It may not look the same as your original - it may look blurred and fuzzy. However, this is quite okay because it is only a reference image so you know what you're looking at. It is NOT used by the judges for judging, nor is it used in the book. It is just for administration purposes only, so please don't worry. We do know what we are doing and your photographs will be judged respectfully on good quality monitors by judges who are experienced in colour management and understand the processes involved. Importantly, every entrant's images are judged the same way, so there is consistency as well.

Portfolio Entries? I read somewhere on your website that pictures may be judged as a portfolio, but having looked into the entry area, I cannot see how I would enter (say 8 images) as a set of photos to be judged together as a portfolio.

If you enter four or more images, and one of those four images is in the top 101, then the top ten portfolios of four images are considered for the overall Photographer of the Year award. We do this automatically for everyone entering - you just have to enter four or more entries to have a chance!

Are you strict on the dates when the original photographs were taken?

Yes! And it won't be us who complains, it will be another entrant! Every year, we find photos in the top 101 that are posted on Facebook or a website before the allowed date - and we have to disqualify them. We know it is not intentional - people just forget! We do a search first these days, before making the announcement, because we found other entrants and viewers would do it for us after we announced the results and then it was embarrassing to disqualify the entrant later on!

Is a Drone a Camera?

A drone has a camera inside it, so even though you're taking photos with your drone, it's the camera inside the drone that's doing all the work. So yes, photos taken with a drone are definitely accepted!

What is a landscape?

Some entrants ask how we define a landscape, but we have purposely left the definition open to our entrants to determine - and our judges to assess. The history of landscape painting and photography over the past 500 years or so is incredibly rich and diverse - who are we to limit what a photographer considers to be a landscape? So, there are no limits. You can enter natural or man-made landscapes, vast vistas or intimate locations. The choice is yours. 

Where are the printed copies of earlier Awards books in the online shop?
Up until March 2024, it was possible to order a copy of every Award book from back to 2014. However, with the printer Momento Pro closing its doors, the first seven books are no longer available from them. Our plan is to re-establish the earlier books within the Lulu print-on-demand system, who is our current supplier. As we update the book files, you will see them directly in our online shop.

Any more questions?
For additional questions email Kim Valenti at